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Comedity Volume One

I feel terrible. I'm no longer certain if this is a cold or an allergy attack, but whatever it is, it's a sinus infection. And it sucks, but I have more important and interesting things to talk about than that.

As you may recall I've been trying to get the first Comedity Book published, and the pre-orders for said book have been open for almost three months. The book is ready to go, it's all laid out and just needs to be sent to the printers. There's just one problem. No one has ordered the book. Back when I originally asked if anyone was interested in a Comedity book, the response was outstanding. Over three thousand people showed some interest in the book, over 2000 of them willing to pay the $20 price tag we've put on the book. And after three months of pre-orders we've gotten roughly 160 orders. Printing isn't cheep, which is why the pre-orders exist so we can actually pay for the print run. Most printers have minimum runs of 1000 books. And full color (which comedity is) isn't cheep unfortunately. At this point, my publisher has informed me that unless roughly 500 more pre-orders are recieved by the end of January, she's going to start refunding people's money and call it done. And I can't really disagree with her. It seems like the initial interest just didn't follow through. Unless you guys can prove me wrong. This really is it. The last and final chance at Comedity seeing print. There will be no other opportunities. So, if you want a copy at all, order now, either through the Comedity Store or through Diginin Publishing

On a lighter note the new American Gladiators is greatly entertaining, and so far the Sarah Conner Cronicles is quite good. Nothing like cyborgs and Summer Glau kicking ass.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Monday January 14th, 2008) -18:49:23

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

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