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The Small Biz of Webcomics

Sorry about the delay folks. A cat sat on my keyboard and did... well I'm not exactly sure what or how he did it, but he made my cintiq forget itself. Thankfully it was fixed, whatever the issue was, and the comic came along as planed.

In other news I will be going to Katsucon this year. Huzzah. I almost didn't make it this year, so those of you who are going and were hoping to see me, be thankful. As of late, it seems that conventions as a whole have taken the attitude that webcomics aren't a draw, aren't important, and subsequently aren't considering webcomics as potential guests/attractions to their venues. I'm not saying Katsu does this, or any con specifically, but it is a distinct vibe I (and other webcomikers I know) have gotten as of late. Now, I'll grant that we might not be the biggest thing in the social world, but I can't believe that webcomics as a genre are completely disregardable. In the end, it's really up to you, the reader, to decide how important webcomics are. If you want to see us at the cons you frequent, you not only have to convince us to go, but you have to let the conventions know that you want to see us. Webcomics start with a very Field of Dreams kind of inception: if you build it, they will come. But it's the audience that keeps a lot of us going. We keep doing it because you're here to read. So, thank you for reading. Thank you for supporting us. Without you all, the whole damn thing falls apart and we have to go get 9-5 jobs.

Also, if you haven't noticed, the Comedity crew got our hands on Rockband recently, and we're pretty addicted to it. (See wallpaper for confirmation). As a quick reminder, any donations over $15 will recieve one of the 100 limited edition prints of this month's wallpaper. I'm also going to be making some updates to the store soon, adding a few items as well as creating a form for commissions. Yeah, that's right, I've given in and am openly advertising the fact that I'll draw stuff for people. Until I get the forms set up, feel free to email me for details.

Until next week! DUKE OUT!

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Monday January 8th, 2008) -01:03:31

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

Want me at your con? Email me