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True Stories from the Away Messages of My Friends

So, James is one of my best friends from highschool, and probably the only one I still talk to on a semi-regular basis. It's only semi-regular because he seems to live at the station more than he does at home. But this does not surprise me, at all. He has always been devoted to his work, and one day it will culminate in his success in the bio-engineering field and he will raise his Unholy Army of the Nighttm and he shall take over the world! Even if we can't get the point shoes in the right sizes for the hippopotamuses.

I draw. A lot more than I used to now. And it's been good for me. Drawing on an almost daily basis has really improved my skill levels, in my oppinion, and doing this comic weekly has been good too. And unfortunately, most of the drawings I do, I can't share with anyone, because they're all done at work, and they have non-disclosure agreements with my signature on them. So I can't show them, even if they are really pretty. So, where the hell am I going with this rant? Simply: that I'm going to start drawing things I can show people. I'm going to start sketching daily. People, characters, backgrounds, buildings, cars, whatever. I'm going to hone those artistic skills 'til they gleam And I'll share them too. Practice really does make perfect. And the more practice, the more perfect. It's that last clause they never pound into your head. You think, 'sure, I practice once or twice a month, I'm good.' But if you practice once or twice a day you're golden. And it's regular practice too that helps improve things.

And speaking of artwork, I finally finished that Teen Titans fan piece hidden behind the voting icons. The color version is there now. Go ahead and check it out. I think it came out really well.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth (Monday - March 21, 2005) -01:10:51

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

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