March Insanity
Ok, this first bit is extremely important, the next bit also worth noting, but not as critical.
It seems, that the last several weeks I have had some issues delivering wallpapers to people. Normally wallpapers get sent out as a .zip attachment to an email. But I've had a rash of returned emails. So, if you donated to Comedity/GCG Studios last month (february) and have NOT recieved your wallpaper donation gift, please please email me and I'll figure some other method of delivery. This issue seems to be mostly limited to gmail accounts. Please bear with me while I find a suitable solution for this issue. And thank you all for your support!
Ok, so that was the critical bit. The less critical, but also interesting bit follows. So, March is just the month of insanity, but I suppose that is not too surprising. I'll be making two appearances this month, one at Anime Boston and the other at Technicon in good old Blacksburg VA. I love that con, and it'll be awesome to be back. If you're a Hokie, you really have no excuse for not going. A lot of it is on campus this year. No Excuses!!!
And one last reminder, both Comedity Volume one and the Bleeding Irish shirt will both still be in pre-order until they atually arrive on my doorstep to be shipped out. After that, they'll be in regular order mode. This doesn't mean much for the shirt (but if you want it in time for St. Pattrick's Day, order sooner rather than later), but when the book leaves pre-order phase it will jump one last time in price from $20 to $25. Printing turns out to be more expensive than anticipated, doable, but still results in a fairly high cost-per-book.
That's all for now.
Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Monday March 3rd, 2008) -16:41:03
PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th
Want me at your con? Email me