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Rolling on into Spring

Alrighty then, so something resembling a real ranty update thing. Granted this would be a hell of a lot easier without a cat trying to nap on my arm while I write. I swear, needy little thing. Ok, not so little. I haven't weighed Ed, but I'd guess he's over 15 pounds at this stage. And no, he's not fat. However, the attention whore is his brother which belongs to a friend of mine. I'm just watching him for the moment. Anywho, enough about cats! I swear I'm not Ian.

Katsucon was a blast. It was great seeing everyone, so thanks for stopping by. There were several good stories of last weekend, but the best has to go to Kate. Yes, comic Kate. She was there with Becca, Will, Larom, and a few other friends. And like the sweetheart she is, she was wearing the comedity penguin shirt. The old-school baseball ragalan style one. Anywho, someone complimented her on the shirt, saying how they enjoyed the comic. Kate replied with, "Yeah, it is good. I'm Kate. Bye." And moved. I have no idea if the individual she was talking to got it or not, but the story makes me giggle.

Volume One is now just waiting on the printers to finish up with it. I will write again with more news on that front as it developes.

Also, I have a new shirt design for you guys to try on:

Pretty cool huh? I think so, anyways. But I'm biased, and not only cause I designed it. I hadn't really planned on releasing any new merchandise until the new storefront went up, but time has forced my hand. That's right, I've been busy. Soon, the Comedity storefront will move over to GCG Studios' page as well as the art-gallery that I've been meaning to put up since forever. However, because this particular shirt kind of needs to be available in time for St. Patrick's next month, I need to open the pre-order now. So, if you'd like to have something a little different to show your spirit, please order now. I'll need to place the order with my shirt guy basically at the end of the month (one week) if I'm to have any hope of having these in time.

I think that's all for now. I'm going to now sleep for a few hours before getting back to work.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Monday February 25th, 2008) -05:01:08

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

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