I'm sorry to make you guys wait as long as I did, but I really just didn't have the time to get anything done sooner. I hope you like the halloween-fest. There are a couple of new faces in this one. The tall goth-ish looking gal is Kate, one of Karen's roommates and best friends. The short Arucard is Becca, our very own asian computer geek, who is also a roommate and friend of Karen. Larom happens to physically be in Chicago for the next three weeks, but he joins us in spirit as Vash. The squirle on the floor is Mary. We decided that being just a generic squirrel wasn't enough and that she should be Foamy. If you're not familiar with any of the above mentioned characters . . . well you should be. Go watch the Hellsing and Trigun animes and go check out illwillpress.
I believe that's about it for now. It's quite late, and I'd like to get some sleep before an even longer day tomorrow. *sigh* It never ends.
By the by, the green 'Garth' below will take you to the email address I'll be using until Josh is done tweaking some stuff server-side, and I get the 'official' email up and running. Just in case you need to contact me.
Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth (Tuesday - November 2, 2004) -01:51:40
PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th
Want me at your con? Email me