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Oh the busy

Right, so some housekeeping business type stuff and then some fun stuff to entertain you for the day. In case you missed the memo, the very first comedity book should be coming out soon. I use those qualifiers because while some 2-3000 of you said you wanted this book, my publisher actually needs the necessary preorders before it'll go ahead and print it. And by preordering, you get it cheaper than you would if you bought it later on, so acting now is in everyone's best interests if you haven't already. A tid-bit of cool breaking news on the book front: the master himself, Phil Foglio will be writing the foreword for it. You have no idea how jazzed I am about that.

On a similar note, I've finally found a way to get the store's shipping to be based on weight. So for those of you who wanted to order several different items, but decided against it, because of the way the shipping stacked, well your problem is solved. Now, the more you buy, the more you save on shipping. Huzzah! I like it when things work.

And October's wallpaper is now available. The limited edition gig will continue, as there seems to be some interest in having numbered comedity artwork. This month's features the mighty pumpkin huter: Edward, and his pet hooman.

Right, so that's all for the housekeeping. I try to keep that stuff short and fairly contained. So onto some fun things. Ok well some sad things (sorta). I just finished Gainax's newest anime: Gurren Lagann. And it was amazing. Easily the best show Gainax has ever made. Yes, better than FLCL (though it's a close call). If you took Eva, surgically removed everything you hated about it and inserted everything you loved about FLCL then multiplied that by Epic and again by Win, then you would have something aproximating the show that is Gurren Lagann. If that weren't to recommend it, Gurren Lagann does something that few other anime's do well: it ends. But not in that "oh we're just going to stop here" kind of way, or the "we'll answer half your questions by giving you another three dozen," or any of the multitude of poor endings that even some of the best anime's suffer from. If anything, Gurren Lagann's development is inverted to that of your common anime. Instead of starting with a nice grounded set up and then spiralling out into left field suddenly in episode 14 and building to an ending that makes no sense or is completely unsatisfactory, often having little if anything to do with what the show started off as, Gurren Lagann starts off fun and wacky and not following anything resembling the laws of physics or common sense (ala FLCL and many other gainax projects) and then solidifies itself in it's plot, theme, and world laws until it comes to a complete and final, sensical, and satisfying ending. It was beautiful to watch, inspiring even, and now it's over. And I'm not sure if there's a new show that could justifiably take its place. *sigh* I hate it when good stories are over. I tend to go through minor depressions when they do. Oh well, new stories shall arrise!

Ok. I really did have a long and strenuous weekend. Mentally and physically, but for different reasons. One part stress one part airsoft (which is an indulgence I haven't partaken of in a long time). I need a night to recoup, so I'm going to bed early. Comic will update as if Tuesday was Monday. i.e. I'll do the comic tomorrow and post it and stupid-early-o'clock Tuesday morning.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Sunday October 7st, 2007) -23:41:26

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