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Pow! Thwack! Whammo!

Sorry about the lack of ranty goodness last week. So here's some ranting to make up for it.

Well, as I'm sure you're aware of by now, we now have something resembling an actual store selling the fabulous (if limited) selection of Comedity goodness. Indeed, there are now the renowned Penguin T-Shirts as well as gorgeous posters featuring your favorite crazy people. Those of you who saw us at Philly already know about the posters, but it's taken me this long to actually create a page capable of delivering such coolness to everyone else. I am somewhat of a slacker, I hate to admit it. Anyhow, it's now up and running, so all is right with the world.

I also finally got around to seeing Batman Begins the other day. If you don't know already, you've been living in the dark. It's a great film. Best batman ever, and I very very much look forward to the sequel they're already planning and have Bale signed for. I won't bother talking about the film, it's just good. But I do want to talk about Christian Bale. The man is a fantastic actor. I haven't seen a film he's been in where his performance has been anything short of phenominal. Even in that gastly horror of a film, Reign of Fire, despite the plot holes large enough to drive several semis through, Bale's performance was top-notch. The man really throws himself into the role like few others. I really need to see The Machinist, one of his somewhat lesser-known but recent films. He like dropped down to like 80lbs or so for the part. It's freakish to see a man who's usually at the peak of physical fittness look like a walking skeleton. But that's how far the man goes to play a part! And because of that dedication he's a brilliant actor. In my humble oppinion.

Also I've been informed of a great many films in development that make me very very sad. For instance: Jurassic Park 4, Mission Impossible 3, The Fast and the Furious 3, The Mask of Zoro 2 ... I mean, really now. Did any of these movies need to be made? Honestly? Maybe the Mask of Zoro sequel could be good, but the other three just don't have any hope. Jurassic Park 4? That's like making The Matrix 4. It just won't work out in anyway that resembles good. Is Hollywood really getting that desperate for stories? I can't believe that. There's a teeming sea of tallented young writers out there full of great ideas. Surely they can't have run out of better ideas. Which makes me wonder if there are people out there who want to see these kinds of movies. And that worries me a bit too. Oh well. I shall continue to try my best to ignore the bad movies, and enjoy the good ones when I can find them. So far, this summer has had some good stuff. And many promising things to come. Serenity for example....

That's really all I've got right now. There are some nice close ups of the current strip hiding behind the vote icons. I was serious about going to two strips a week if we hit that #8 spot.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth (Monday - June 27, 2005) -02:08:27

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

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