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Status Report

Hey folks, just a couple of things to bring to your attention, and then I'm back to work. I'm going to be at Animazement this weekend, and I'm really looking forward to it. I've heard nothing but awesomeness about Animazement, and this'll be my first year going. Very excited, and I hope to some of you there. I'll be showing off a few new prints while I'm there (which will be available over at the storefront. So, if you're in the area, stop by and say hello.

I've also added a few new pieces to the color gallery and made some clarifications regarding commissions, pricing, and content, which you can find in the FAQ.

So, while next weekend will be full of Indiana Jones Three Flavors of Awesome, I have to say that I am really really really jazzed about the upcoming Get Smart movie. So jazzed, I'm going to have to go find in on DVD and have a marathon or something. So many movies! Anyway, that's enough out of me. I've got a clockwork dragon to draw.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Monday May 19th, 2008) -3:26:09

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

Want me at your con? Email me