Thank you Murphy
*sigh* It never quite works out the way you think it will. Oh well. Ok, so Otakon was huge and busy as usual, but not nearly as crazy spastic as I remember it for some reason. And that big super-secret project I was telling you guys about... well, it was penguins.
Yes. I now have penguin plushies. I had them at Otakon, and people seemed to like them as much as I imagined them being liked. They should be up and available through the store very soon. I shall make it widely known when I get the store updated to accurately reflect inventory... which will probably be sometime next week.
As you have surmised, I've now missed two updates... and the wallpaper is late. There is, in fact, an excellent reason for this. Alice is broken. I'm not 100% sure what's wrong with her just yet, but I'm betting hard money on a dead graphics card. Yes, another one. I'm hard on her graphics cards it seems. This is me letting Radeon known that it needs to build more robust cards. In any regards, I am currently borrowing a friend's computer to make this post. I shall be trying to get some stuff done this week and return to my usual mostly-normal update schedual monday. I will keep you all updated on how the situation is doing. I have a sneaky suspicion that I'm going to have to replace the vast majority of Alice's internals if I can't get my card working. I just don't see any sense in buying another card to fit my out-dated architecture. Ah well. Thank you all for your patience. You all rock that way.
Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Wednesday - August 1st, 2007) -00:36:54
PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th
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