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UPDAtE: whole bunch of new stuff in the store, including the long awaited MkII Penguin Shirt Check it out, it's hot.


Bah. I'm out of shape. Both physically and drawing wise. That took way longer than it ought to have. But it's up, it's done, and it isn't even all that bad. So, perhaps this will be a sign that things will continue mostly unabated, and we'll get back to our regularly schedualed comicing.

There's little point in me talking much about Anime Boston at this stage. But I do want to relate a couple of interesting comments made to me at the con. The first was "wow, you're a lot skinner than I would have imagined." I find this interesting, as I don't think I draw myself as being all that big. But maybe I have a poor perception of how small a person I really am. For the record, I'm 5'7" tall and weigh all of 140lb soaking wet and wearing my boots. The other comment that entertained me was "you should do this professionally." I am terribly glad that someone agrees with me in that regard. So, yeah, it was a fun con, though the higher ups need to wise up and realize that being an "anime only" con is going to only be detrimental to them in the long run. They'll turn into one of those star trek conventions. Now wouldn't that be odd...

Also, it occurs to me it's been a while since I've said "go check this out! Do it! Do it now!!!" So, behold:

Dresden Codak is a delightfully odd comic. The art is great fun, for obvious reasons. But more than that, the odd twists and heavy philosophical and metaphysical influences make it a fantastic read. It makes me feel clever and well learned, even when I barely comprehend what the hell he's talking about. Give the man a gold star!

Though Dresden Codak I was directed to Rice Boy which is also a delightful if quirky comic. It's a weird and wonderful twisted epic fantasy. I blazed through the archives, and fell in love with the story for reasons I cannot accurately describe. Carry on little Rice Boy, you also recieve a gold star!

And most recently I was directed to Jonathan Coulton who is an amazing folk-ish type singer. Definitely check out his Chiron Beta Prime and I Feel Fantastic! if you do nothing else.

That's all the news for now. There should be a new wallpaper up sometime tomorrow (which might give you a clue as to where this story line is going to take a turn), and there are new shinies behind the vote icons. I suddenly realized that it's been forever since I updated those.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Sunday - May 7th, 2007) -20:02:18

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

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