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Things are a'changin

Sorry about the comic delay. The color will be done sometime late monday.

I've been dealing with some personal issues, and I've come to realize how much I need a structure to work from. All my life I've had some form of structure. I have to be at school or class durring these hours. I need to show up at work such and when and can leave hereabouts. Always structure. At least until I went freelance. I gotta say, being your own boss is rough. Suddenly you don't have anyone to lay off the accountability. And I haven't had a structure other than "comic gets done for monday." But that's not the same. That's a deadline, not a structure to work by. So, I've been thinking, and I've determined I need to create structure where there is none. This includes going to bed before 3am and actually forcing myself out of bed far earlier than I'd like. So, I'm now working 9 to 5. For myself. Why the hell would I do such a crazy thing? Me who hates mornings like Indiana Jones hates Snakes. And the answer is... 'cause everyone else runs on that schedual, and so I can build my own off of their routine. So, instead of staying up all hours to finish the coloring, it's going to be a black and white monday.

In other news, I'm once more trying something new. This comic has been 100% digitally created. There are not actual pencils. Just my initial roughs done on the tablet, and then the inks directly on top of 'em. It's interesting, we'll see how I like it after a few more attempts.

New shiney behind the vote icons.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth(Monday - November 6th, 2006) -12:14:42

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

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