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Cocktails and Eggnog

First off I'd like to thank you all for being patient with me. I'm sorry this one took so long to get out, but I litterally went through half a dozen different possible punchlines before I came to this jem. To alleviate any confusion, the lass in the center is Kate. I continue to have difficulty translating Kate to comic, but I'll get it eventually. What makes Larom's story even more entertaining is that he doesn't drink. At all. I have yet to find the recipe for "Sex on a Crocodile" though I suspect it's a variation on "Sex on the Beach." You'd be surprised what some of these drinks are called.

Ok, the next comic will go up very, very early tomorrow morning before I leave on a jet plane to Los Angeles to visit my grandparents. I'll be gone until late the 27th. The This wouldn't be that big a deal except that if I have access to the net out there, it will be very limited, and access to a scanner will be nill. And then, to complicate matters I need to move down to South Carolina to start work on the 3rd. So... [023] will probably not be posted until after the first of the year. I feel really bad about going that long an interim without posting a comic, especially after I've had this streak of late posts, and general lack of timely comic-ness. However, there's nothing I can do about this one. All I can do is promise you folks that the comic will continue. I hope that this holliday interim will allow time for some of the final touches I've been wanting to make to the Comedity site. Again, I'm really sorry for all the late posts and the long stretches between comics. Thank you all for putting up with it.

Welcome to the Comedity. Don't step on the Penguin.
Garth (Friday - December 17, 2004) -04:13:12

PortConMaine (guest) July 3rd-6th Connecticon (guest) August 1st-3rd Otakon (AA) August 8th-10th

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